ISO27001 Ninja
The publications of the ISO27001 Ninja
As well as providing a vast wealth of free ISO27001 information that includes guides, how to tutorials and templates and a best in class ISO27001 YouTube Channel the ISO27001 Ninja is author of the following global publications.
Author: The Ultimate ISO27001 Toolkit Business Edition
The Ultimate ISO27001 Toolkit has helped over 1,200 companies to get ISO27001 certified in the last 12 months with a Google 5 Star Rating.
The ISO27001 Ninja designed it specifically to help small businesses to achieve ISO27001 certification quickly, simply with the least amount of fuss. In addition, in a world first, he offered a free consulting model that gives over 40+ hours a year of free, in person consulting support with the ISO27001 Ninja himself.
Author: The Ultimate ISO27001 Toolkit Consultant Edition
The gap in the market was ISO27001 Consultants. Every consultant had a variation of a toolkit but who in their right mind would share that with ISO27001 consultants. The ISO27001 Ninja would!
He knew consultants would rather spend time billing clients than writing templates and tools. He also knew they were just copying and pasting previous clients implementations with varying degrees of success and often leaving the old clients name, missed, in documents.
The Ultimate ISO27001 Toolkit Consultant Toolkit instantly addressed that need and freed consultants to work that valuable billable time.
Author: The ISO27001 Reference Guide
Knowledge is power and giving people free knowledge empowers them so the ISO27001 created the ultimate ISO27001 reference guide. It shows you what is new, gives you the detail what has changed in the 2022 update, gives you real world examples, does a walkthrough, gives you an implementation guide per clause, shows you how to comply, tells you what the top 3 mistakes people make are so you can avoid them and gives you ISO 27001 templates to save time and money.
Author: The ISO27002 Reference Guide
ISO27001 has a list of controls to consider implementing and these can be daunting. The annex a is actually a standard in its own right called ISO27002. Whilst you cannot certify to ISO27002, it is the guidance you must follow so shows you what is new, gives you the detail what has changed in the 2022 update, gives you real world examples, does a walkthrough, gives you an implementation guide per control, shows you how to comply, tells you what the top 3 mistakes people make are so you can avoid them and gives you ISO 27001 templates to save time and money.